Public Attributes
crfsuite_evaluation_t Struct Reference

An overall performance values. More...

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Public Attributes

int num_labels
 Number of labels.
 Array of label-wise evaluations.
int item_total_correct
 Number of correctly predicted items.
int item_total_num
 Total number of items.
int item_total_observation
 Total number of occurrences of labels in the gold-standard data.
int item_total_model
 Total number of predictions.
floatval_t item_accuracy
 Item-level accuracy.
int inst_total_correct
 Number of correctly predicted instances.
int inst_total_num
 Total number of instances.
floatval_t inst_accuracy
 Instance-level accuracy.
floatval_t macro_precision
 Macro-averaged precision.
floatval_t macro_recall
 Macro-averaged recall.
floatval_t macro_fmeasure
 Macro-averaged F1 score.

Detailed Description

An overall performance values.

Member Data Documentation

Instance-level accuracy.

Number of correctly predicted instances.

Total number of instances.

Item-level accuracy.

Number of correctly predicted items.

Total number of predictions.

Total number of items.

Total number of occurrences of labels in the gold-standard data.

Macro-averaged F1 score.

Macro-averaged precision.

Macro-averaged recall.

Number of labels.

Array of label-wise evaluations.

Copyright (c) 2002-2011 by Naoaki Okazaki
Thu Aug 11 2011 12:37:06